Welcome to Oddity


My dad made scary movies, but off-screen, yet he wasn’t scary at all.
He was different. An iconoclast. A Renaissance man. A lover of life.
He was my role model. I adored him, but I never understood his scary movies. So, when I began sharing my dad with horror fans, I was afraid they would judge me for not loving this genre they love so much.
They didn’t. They embraced me.
My dad’s fans taught me that differences don’t have to divide us.

Befriending a group of people with whom I thought had nothing in
common — except love — showed me how to embrace my own
oddity instead of trying to hide it. Horror fans taught me that when we
learn to love ourselves and each other just as we are, everything changes.
Imagine if we all lived that way.



The horror community taught me how to embrace my inner monster kid
and love my truest self.

I began blogging, writing books, and speaking about how finding a heart tribe showed me to love myself and others.

And yet, I was scared to share this message of Love
with the people who inspired it.

Until now..

We are starting small, but we have big ideas for a community where we can all be different together. . .

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as we grow this space.

We’re so glad you found us!